Friday, November 27, 2015

Maternal Lines in Family History (mother's mother and her mother)

We want to know who the women in our family history lines are too! We are so conditioned to view the women in our histories as attachment to the men, as this is how records have been kept. But will we see these women as more if we put them in the spotlight while collecting their histories?

 My great uncle told me about his mother, my great-great grandmother. She was born with a clubbed hand but made toys and clothes, she had a surgery and worked herself to pay off the bill, and she was much admired by her son. Before my great uncle told me these details, she was a name of wife and mother. Another grandmother's cousin took over the family newspaper when her father died, and ended up being the last person in the US to use the old original type of printing machine. Let's see what else we can find...

This series will be on maternal lines in family history, each post will have a tag that links to the sidebar of this blog titled "maternal lines", so click that link to view them all.

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